

FLEET Batch transforms the processes within your baggage hall by automating and streamlining the handling of load units. This fully integrated solution harnesses autonomous vehicles and smart high-level controls to meet your demands for efficient and predictable operations.

Deploying FLEET Batch will enable you to:

  • effectively manage a variety of load units, including ULDs and loose loaded, with standardised operations for all aircrafts types
  • ensure a predictable and resilient flow of load units with integrated high-level controls
  • a safe and attractive workplace environment by removing manual tug-and-dolly operations
  • tailor capacity to demand through flexible and standardised infrastructure
  • and efficiently utilise floor space by exploiting narrow-aisle and multi-level storage options.

FLEET Batch can be seamlessly integrated in your existing baggage handling systems and ground operations. It also complements our other solutions – such as BAGLOAD – and the wider batching process.

Like to know more?

Every airport is different. This is reflected in your layout – and the advice offered by our experts.

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