
Bag sortation

Are you looking for the most economical and reliable solution to handle larger volumes of baggage? If your answer is “yes”, then you need to invest in automated sortation.  

We offer a full range of proven OEM sorting solutions that take into account specific process requirements and building constraints. 

Our bag sortation products 


If you’re aiming to increase efficiency and cut costs, while making your airport more sustainable, you should look closely at what your bag sortation system can offer. Our HELIXORTER will help you to manage these issues while providing top-quality performance.

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Are you looking for a cost-effective baggage sorting solution that’s ideal for a small to medium-sized airport or terminal? Then our BAXORTER could be the ideal option. It’s capable of processing 3,000 trays per hour.

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Like to know more?

Every airport is different. This is reflected in your layout – and the advice offered by our experts.