

Quick and gentle product sortation

Our POSISORTER is a sliding shoe sorter that combines advanced conveyance technology and careful product handling. It provides high-capacity sortation of a wide range of products and can handle over 10,000 cartons per hour.

Shoes slide across the carriers and push the products gently into the output spurs in a diagonal movement. This system is available for either single- or dual-sided sortation, and is suitable for handling totes, trays, cartons and bags. This ability to deal with a wide range of products and sizes means our POSISORTER can evolve with your future product portfolio.

High-profile customers

Our solution offers a robust design as well as built-in diagnostic and detection systems. Compared to traditional sorting methods, it is also 20% more energy efficient and reduces noise levels by 3dB.

We have delivered POSISORTERs to many well-known retailers and parcel companies, such as DHL, Bartolini, Deutsche Post, Schenker, TNT Express, UPS, Estonian Post, Australian Post, Argos, Edeka and Staples.

The positive solution

Our POSISORTER delivers multiple benefits including:

“We reduced the cost per unit and effectively doubled the capacity.”
Asics Oceania
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Like to know more?

Every company and every market is different. This is reflected in the layout of your warehouse – and the advice offered by our experts.

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