

Taking on the e-commerce revolution – and winning

The e-commerce revolution is here to stay. Increasing demand, variable order sizes and customer desire for rapid deliveries are testing your processes to the limit.

The answer is advanced automation. We will help you to store and retrieve an ever-expanding variety of items – with the highest accuracy – to meet your customer promise of next- or same-day deliveries.

To make life easier, we’ve developed a goods-to-person order fulfilment system – FASTPICK – one of our next generation of scalable solutions. FASTPICK tackles today’s challenges with tomorrow’s technology to offer:

  • the fastest and most predictable lead times
  • accurate item and order delivery
  • less dependency on increasingly scarce labour
  • adaptability to deal with new items, peaks or events
  • and easy scalability to handle long-term growth.

This is the only warehouse solution on the market that delivers high-performance sequencing on a small footprint. So it’s the perfect choice, helping you take on the e-commerce revolution with confidence.

Intelligent shuttles

Our intelligent shuttle system, ADAPTO, is the heart of FASTPICK and guarantees high-speed sorting and sequencing – without the need for conveyors or sorters. Our shuttles are so fast because they are intelligent. They collect order lines in exactly the right order and then choose the optimal route to the picking stations. They do not waste time, and they can take over each other’s tasks when needed.

Reduce manual work

Only one touch is needed during the entire logistics-fulfilment process – so you need a minimal number of operators. It also brings the items operators need in exactly in the right order at our highly intuitive picking stations. They’re so user-friendly that you’ll be able to train your operators in less than ten minutes.

Reserve storage

The reserve storage area stocks the buffer inventory and facilitates the replenishment of inventory in the active pick area.


The incoming cases are checked, entered into the system, and emptied into storage bins for ADAPTO storage and replenishment.


ADAPTO, Vanderlande’s intelligent AS/RS, delivers and retrieves storage bins direct to any lift on any aisle.


Operators working at the pick station simply pick from the ADAPTO bin to the order tote or carton.

Item picking robot

From our portfolio of Smart Item Robotic (SIR), seamlessly integrated into your picking operation.


Vanderlande’s FASTPICK packing area offers several possibilities for e-commerce.


FASTPICK can be extended with the POSISORTER, Vanderlande’s shoe sorter, to deliver the finished products direct to various shipping positions.

Be future ready

It is becoming increasingly difficult to predict consumers’ purchasing behaviour. In order to stay competitive, you need the optimum fulfilment solution: this includes life-cycle services, data science and digital simulations – it’s all about mastering unpredictability quickly and easily!

The products for FASTPICK


VISION is our next generation of software that intelligently connects and orchestrates your system’s equipment, robotics, people and processes. It’s our single platform for all automated and manual warehouse functions.

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Decant workstation

The decant workstation is the inbound loading point, where items or inner packs are removed from their original shipping containers and placed into totes – ready for automated storage.

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Smart Item Robotics

Our Smart Item Robotics (SIR) consists of a portfolio of intelligent, self-learning and extremely flexible picking robots. Our robots – such as the item pick-and-place variant – will become a seamless part of your logistic process and work side by side with our automated storage and retrieval solutions (AS/RS).

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Goods-to-person workstation

Introducing a revolutionary approach to the design of our goods-to-person workstations! Not only will this help to reduce bottlenecks, but it will also keep your operators healthy and happy.

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ADAPTO is our intelligent shuttle-based automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) with built-in sorting and sequencing capabilities.

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“With ADAPTO, we can handle products more efficiently than ever.”
Terhi Vesala, Warehouse and Project Manager | Würth
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Like to know more?

Every company and every market is different. This is reflected in the layout of your warehouse – and the advice offered by our experts.